Most popular format of social network marketing in China

From the western countries’ point of view, China is transferring from famous World-Factory to World-Market, after the world financial woe, China market is becoming the most attractive place, especially for Internet marketing, as there are more than 200 million internet users in China.

However, traditional popular social networking formats and web sites are not as famous as it is in Western countries; Even though some famous brands like MySpace and Facebook have stepped in since 2008, they still cannot compare with local networking like QZone;

According to the “ReadWriteWeb”, the most popular format in China is old school BBS, or forum a more precise term, the reason behind is, forum is one of the first Internet services recognized by Chinese netizens and Chinese like the communities, people love to express their opinion and to follow up some discussion of hot topics, besides of that, the quality of forum netizens are more mature and well-educated, their contribution to all forums make it as a valuable information source.

With the growth of social networking in worldwide, forum format may be replace by blogs or other web 2.0 function, but at the moment, Forum is still a most popular format in China.

(sources from

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