Vanksen Group Marketing 2.0 Trends Report for Social Network Marketing

According to the "Vanksen Group Marketing 2.0 Trends Report", many US big agencies are not yet ready to fully embrace social meida, as they do not familiar with these media and relevant profit ways, one of the reason is these new alternatives basically not provide much build-in agency profit.

However, agencies' inertia must cause the mismatching problems of their clients/brands advertising budget between new alternative and old existing media, and this gap eventually will be narrowed by clients/brands, who demand higher ROI from marketing effort.

Vanksen report does not just reveal this problem, but also outline 5 key prediction for 2010 Internet market, including:

1) Online Social Networks will Become the Preferred Home for Brand Engagement

Brands own web sites will be further diminished and social network become more important, and Facebook will continue to dominate, brands will be more encouraged to develop new kinds of integrated marketing campaigns.

2) Agencies Stuck in Traditional Media Will Die, While Those Unable to Transcend 1.0 Techniques Will Suffer
Agencies unable to provide robust "2.0" services will face extinction as clients demand campaigns that transcend basic "1.0" techniques (e.g., banner ads, e-mail blasts and cross linking).

3) The Age of "Transmedia" is Upon Us
The clients/brands budgets will be allocated increasingly to online viral campaigns. Agencies will need to adopt a "transmedia" approach with proficiency in both digital and offline services.

4) Crowdsourcing will Enable Consumers to Further Challenge Brands
As technology continues to democratize communication, consumers will challenge and even compete directly against brands' interest. brand marketers will increasingly invite consumers to participate with revenue sharing, online focus groups and other forms of engagement.

5) Mobile Will Shift Into Overdrive
In 2010, more than 1 billion people worldwide have a cell phone. Major brands need to develop new mobile marketing strategies to reach these consumers, and available apps will be getting more to influence the market.

No matter what Internet Marketing tools we will use for coming future, marketers and agencies have to be much smarter to keep up with consumer behavior and technology.

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